Implementing future!
offers software solutions for the mineral oil business
AFIS is well-known for competent software solutions in the field of aircraft fueling for 25 years now. In a team of 25 experts, we are developing custom-made solutions for the market.
The development and the support of these innovative solutions in a small and transparent niche market does require special knowledge and experience.
This is why we look for young academics ourselves. With the help of university trainings, the experts of tomorrow are introduced into the company very early on and a lot of them continue working at AFIS after their studies.
With the products AFIS, TTA, SAM and SIS, AFIS covers the requirements of airport administrations.
Furthermore, the customer specific requirements are integrable into the products without any problems which makes the product very flexible.
Having the possibility of implementing the technique, which is used in the field of business, right onto the solutions, AFIS provides a wide range of knowledge.
This starts with the adjusted measuring technique and continues with the connection of ERP systems.

Gudrun Theuerer

Wilfried Saak
Implementation of AFIS MobileStar at BER
Fully automated product quality control
IATA Strategic Partner
20 years AFIS
Implementation of 3rd generation of the AFIS system
Launch of the AFIS system in Poland
Connection of tank terminals for GA on the isle of Sylt
Launch of the AFIS system in Russia
Launch of the AFIS system in Hungary
Launch of the AFIS system in Saudi-Arabia
Launch of a web-based Fuel Portal
Launch of the AFIS system in Turkey
Implementation of the AFIS system at several german airports
Implementation of a cloud-based AFIS solution in Austria
Launch of the AFIS system in South America
Launch of the AFIS system in China
Launch of the AFIS system at big airports in Switzerland
Connection of the AFIS system to the e-ticketing of Lufthansa
Online connection of trucks
Implementation of a graphic dispatch form
Launch of the AFIS system in Germany
Implementation at the airport in Munich